Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 52

Sunday, December 26th one year ago my father had his home going. Mom is doing very well. Jesus has met her needs emotionally and physically. She is focused on making new memories. Jesus teaches her to live anew everyday. We are nothing less than totally blessed, even after all we have been through. Tyler and Alex had a horrible night watching Kelsey suffer in pain, watch her blood pressure drop, and spike a fever. They are back at the Inn sleeping. Tracy is sleeping after his early morning trip to the airport to pick up Zach. Grandma is going to clean up our rooms a bit and help kids find leftovers. It is not unexpected that Kelsey would get another bout of sepsis while being extremely neutropenic. Blood cultures and big dog antibiotics were immediately administered. She is responding. The midline pic may be pulled because she has been complaining of pain in that arm, the line isn't currently being used, and she is not using her arm to eat and drink with. These seem to be good signs to get it pulled and the possible source of the enemy. The ultrasound of the arm is being analyzed. It is a very quiet day in her room today. We have talked. She seems very alert today. She knows that God is using her story for His glory. She said that He will heal her one way or the other. I asked her what she meant by that. She said, "You know...He will heal me to carry on my story on earth or take me home and still my story will impact people." Then in her very Kelsey way she said, "You will be sad, but I will be happy with Jesus." She said that it wasn't about us. She sure has got it together in the way that matters. She continues to amaze people who take care of her. She really is a blessing to take care. I am so proud of her.

We are 1 week away from everyone going home. This concerns me in that no one will be around to stay with her at night. This causes me much unrest at night. I also know that the ones who leave will have concern not having as much day to day insight into her situation. Please pray in these areas. Continue praying for her complete healing. Today I felt a bit mentally tired of the roller coaster. It weighed on me today. Pray for strength and stamina to finish this race. May God be glorified through it all.

By the way, this pic of Tyler was just too funny to not share. Trent had the same look, but he's on video. Use your imagination. Those boys are so funny.

Merry Christmas and Blessed Times!

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