On Saturday, Tracy, Konner, and Kassidy took off from Dulles on United Airlines and arrived at the North Pole:) They had fun seeing Santa, making crafts, and eating.
Kelsey had a CT of her lungs Sat. morning. It looked better than on Friday, so everyone felt better over the weekend. This and the bladder virus will be added to those things that need watched. Kelsey slept much of the day until 4:00, then was up and wanted to eat so I fed her chicken broth and strawberry jello(Alex took over the jello feeding so I could go eat). She slept again until 11:00pm, and this time when she woke up she was initiating her will. Alex stayed all night. Kelsey wanted to get out of bed to potty. He had to explain over and over again that she couldn't get up to potty & she couldn't get out of bed. She said it was gross to potty in bed. This is a good sign though. She slept some last night, but has been up much today. She asked to eat so had chicken broth and jello again. Every time it tastes good. Aunt Debbie, Hannah, Rachel, and Deana have come to visit today. Hannah shared a story about her prayer journal. I love having family around. Steph(she's family) left this morning and again I say a great big thank you to her and for her obedience in coming(For Pam and Tim also). Even though she thought she was coming to give me a break, and it didn't look like what she thought she was coming for, her stay here was just what God had in mind. I am thankful and grateful for the role she played during this crisis time. Grandma has been invaluable also. She takes cares of the comings and goings of the girls, makes the boys bed(they don't care but I'm sure housekeeping likes it), cooks and cleans, went shopping for groceries and just whatever comes up, she does. I just keep taking care of my girl and being with her. With so many mouths here and a tightly cramped room, I appreciate orderliness, tidiness, and eating without the cooking and cleaning. We are still walking through so many unknowns, but we have faith and trust in our Lord. I cannot look to the future or imagine what it would be like for I am not equipped for that. I try to stay in the day as always. Thank you and you all know who I mean for all the blessings you are sending our way.
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