Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 77

Kelsey coughed up blood until 11:30pm, then ENT came in to stop some of the bleeding. By 12:30 she was resting. About 4:00am she started with the coughing and bleeding again. Her SATS dropped in the 70's most likely after she aspirated some blood. Kelly called me at 6:00am telling me they were moving her to ICU. She is doing better on oxygen but still not sure why all this is happening. The procedures will hopefully give everyone a clearer picture of what is happening, and we can move on out of ICU. Pray for Kelly. She has had a tough job already. I know she felt bad calling me this morning at 6:00, but she is doing an awesome job. It is a really helpless feeling not being able to make everything go well. I am grateful that she is here, and I have a companion to share these hard times with. As per the course, she is perplexing everyone. She is really suffering right now with all this bleeding and coughing. She is extremely confused even though her temp is holding. She is now in the OR for the endoscopy, bronchoscopy, and ENT procedures. Pray for clarity, safety, and ANSWERS!

1 comment:

  1. I awoke sometime early this morning, Friday. I don't know what time it was because I didn't look at the clock, but my first thought was of Kelsey so I prayed for her. I know your post was about Wednesday night, though, but I couldn't help thinking this: Oh how awesome is our God that He knows everything before it happens and He has each one of us, including Kelsey, in the cleft of the Rock at all times. How wonderful to serve a God who awakens His children in the night to pray for a beloved Sister whom she has never met and probably never will. How wonderful to serve a God who sends His children to be with you both to help ease your burden and to see that Kelsey gets what she needs. We could go on and on endlessly praising Him for His provision and for His perfection. How wonderful to serve a God who sacrificed His own Son so that we may one day be with Him -- together, praising Him, and fulfilling the true callings He has on our lives. We adore you, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and we will praise you forever for what you have done, are doing and will do in the future. We'll keep praying!

    With love in Christ,

    Denise R. from Texas
