Thursday, December 25, 2014

5 month birthday

I felt like I just needed to give a brief update as today is Karly's 5-month birthday! She is doing so well. This is the most normal we've seen her in 5 years, so we have much to celebrate. She still goes for weekly labs, and we have been very happy with the results. The Creatinine is still high, but has been 1.9 for 2 weeks. We continue to just monkey around with the dosing of things and hang tough until we can start to wean them. We ask for prayer during this flu season, since the vaccine wasn't correct this year. We are remaining very vigilant with mask and hand washing. We return to NIH on January 7 for her 6-month check up even though it is early. Why? The good news is that she will be able to take the PTA class she had to drop last spring because of her heart and renal condition. What a praise! We are not sure how long that visit will be until they see her, but it shouldn't be very long. We look forward to seeing some friends we've met and also look forward to meeting others.

We had a Blessed Christmas! Being together and making those, fun, fun!

I have been missing Kelsey. I've been dreaming of her. I've been wishing to give her big gushy hugs. I am thankful that I will see her again. I also think of my dad who died 5 yrs. ago tomorrow. We reminisce often about his silliness, his stories, his ways, and we cherish the memories we have as we continue traditions we had with him.

All I can say is love those around you for we do not know what tomorrow will bring. Live life with thanksgiving for all you have is from God.


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